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House For Sale Sign

List With Us

Let our advertised agents sell your property

We ensure you get the best value

  • We provide our listed Sellers with expert opinions on Property Values and Market Prices

  • Professional Marketing Services 

  • Pre-qualification of potential Purchasers/Tenants for your listed property. 

  • Property Management services with wide range of contractors for all your property needs

COMMISSION FEES  - Payable on or before completion of transaction

  • Standard Sales Fee:  3% of final sale price, to minimum fee of TT$30,000.00 (Commissions can vary and you are advised to consult your individual broker/agent)

  • Long term Rentals  - 100% Value of one (1) month’s rent (rentals for a term 1 year or more) 

  • Short term Rentals - 50% Value of one (1) month’s rent (rentals for term less than 1 year) 

  • Note : All Deposits are held in escrow until the completion of the transaction. 

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